Miss Jordan is continuing to be our shining delight. She is such a HAPPY baby, I just can't get enough of her happy arms and legs. At 6 months old she is 17 lbs. 1 oz (77th %) and 27 in (88th%). She has started eating solid foods and although it's only been rice cereal and green beans, she loves them. She's also had some Cheerios here and there. She can hold her head up really well when on her tummy and rolls more consistently. She cut a tooth the first week of August and I'm sure there are many more to follow. She is definitely my child that is most attached to me. She loves her mama. We are having some stranger anxiety but I try my hardest to leave her with different people so we won't have trouble in the future (church nursery, grandma, babysitters).
I'm ready for the summer to be over but for the most part it has zipped by what with all of our trips. I'm still trying to get caught up on all my housework and laundry but that will come in time. On another note, I'm still plugging away at my pregnancy pounds and I'm pleased to announce that I only have about 9 pounds to go to get to my prepregnancy weight. I'd like to shed a few more after that but small goals are good. This is the fastest I've lost the weight and I'm feeling really good and it's nice to wear my cute clothes again. :)
soooo sweet! i cannot believe ethers is 7. i remember holding him as a little infant. and jordan is looking SO adorable and chunky!!!! hope to see you soon!
That's neat that Jordan and Ethan are 6 months apart. Easy to keep track! Way to go on losing those lbs. Tough stuff.
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