Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Clean House!

I had a clean house the other day so I felt the need to capture it on film. I also repainted my downstairs bathroom (again, I think this is the 3rd color) so I have a picture of that, too. Enjoy the cleanliness with me! :)

I also rearranged the furniture in our family room to make it more open. I'm liking this much more. And we weeded out a few unnecessary toys as well.

Here's to more clean days!


Renee Chertudi said...

Your house looks great, so can you come and make mine look at good?

The Hogue's said...

We all need reminders of our clean house in our busy lives.

Toni said...

I like your clean house and as for my boyfriend, I dont have one but the one that was wearing the sun glasses was my boyfriend but not any more. He is also the one that my mom showed you the picture of at that dance that I didnt want you to see.

Anonymous said...

love the green in the bathroom. also love the new living room set-up. love it all. love love love. :)