Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sideout Sistas!

One of my all time favorite top 5 loves (besides God, my family, chai, friends, not always in that order) is playing volleyball. I've been playing since I was 14 years old and I always find I'm learning how to improve my game and work harder. I love to block and when I get a great pass I tend to celebrate because I used to be horrible at it. :)

I was asked to play with in a league that needed a couple more players on their team and thankfully my schedule allowed it. We're called the Sideout Sistas! My friend, Miss, whom I played with in college at Multnomah is on the team too so it's so fun to get to play with her again as well. We're awesome, by the way. We've won our first three games so far. It's been 7 years since I've been able to play volleyball on a team and I'm enjoying every bruised and sweaty minute of it.

Look at that form! My jr. high team should take notes. Oh yah, in case you haven't heard, I'm a coach for the jr. high girl's team at Ethan's school. I'll get pics of that up soon enough. It's...a challenge to say the least.
Miss and I, down and ready for the pass. Nothing gets by us, most of the time. :)

Bam, look at those hops. Mama's still got it!

Blocking, so fun!

Our awesome team: from left to right, Heather, Stacey's back, a little of Indyra's head, Miss, Annette and me.


The Hogue's said...

Sorry Koren, I thought I read it on your blog a while back that you were tagged. I'll tell Toni, that way she will have someone to tag. You should check out Toni's volleyball pics, she had a great game.

Toni said...

Wow! your game is a lot more intence then mine cause you got some crazy action shots I cant wait for you guys to come up again so you can give me some pointers