Monday, December 22, 2008

A Few More Snow Pictures

We have gotten WAY more snow since the last pictures I posted. Turns out, this is the biggest snow storm this area has seen in 40 years. And yay, we get to be in it. Aside from suffering from a dose of cabin fever and restlessness it hasn't been to bad. Having lived on the East Coast growing up, I miss having snow this time of year. The sledding has been great and when the wind and flakes are blowing in your face, it really is quite fun.

We don't have a sled but this old laundry basket is AWESOME. Kids were so jealous of how fast we were going they were calling their parents to bring them one. One kid said to me, "That's so cool when you make your own sled." Well, when you don't have a choice...
Reagan in plastic container tub. This didn't work as well as the basket.

Ethan cruising down the hill.

Icicles hanging from our front porch.

Our brief moment of blue sky against the snow. So pretty.

Our sad little snowman in the back yard. He's gotten an extra layer of snow since he was created.

1 comment:

Mama G said...

Wow, what fun! I love the laundry basket idea..i'll have to remember that one. It's 9 degrees here and still no snow...this is the first Christmas I've been away and it figures it's the year that gets TONS of snow! Enjoy it!